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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:19 pm    Post subject: Winter Flounder Habitat Failure 1978-1998 IMEP #15 -part II Reply with quote

The Sound School Inter-District Marine Education Program Newsletter
Habitat Information for Fishers and Fishery Area Managers
Understanding Science Through History

The Role of Marine Habitat Succession to Estuarine Species Abundance
July 2010 – Revised 2014
Winter flounder Fishers were Correct about Habitat Failure 1978 to 1998

Capstone Proposal
Connecticut’s Coves Do Contain
“A Habitat History” Part II

The Poquonock River – Jordan Cove and Holly Pond Habitat Histories
Timothy C. Visel, The Sound School
Capstone Habitat Research Questions added January 2014
IMEP #15 – Part II

In July 2010 and in March 2011, two reports as to why we should look at Clinton Harbor and Niantic Bay cores were made available to the EPA-DEEP Long Island Sound Habitat Restoration Committee Study1/2. We can do little to change the temperature other than run long-term experiments (studies) monitoring habitat quality. 3Those experiments (studies) would need to run for decades and are few in number but we can look at habitat quality impacts with a sudden loss of coastal energy from breakwaters, road and railroad crossings. Here habitat succession changes would come much quicker and easier to observe from bottom cores as they contained a habitat history of thousands of years. We have two major energy loss examples in our state – the offshore central and western stone breakwater construction program of the 1890s and the inshore eastern Connecticut railroad crossing during the same period -1880-1891. Natural systems such as barrier inlets and barrier beach breaks often exhibit similar findings but can take decades to observe. An example of a man made tidal barrier is Holly Pond between Darien and Stamford. Two of the best habitat history examples in Connecticut of each it is in the Pattagansett River in East Lyme and Holly Pond in Stamford4. Here energy preventing tidal exchanges on Holly Pond (blocking walls) and railroad crossings (tidal restrictions) such as the Pattagansett River in East Lyme were placed at the mouth of these eastern Connecticut rivers. Changes in habitat types did occur over long time periods, but habitat succession in each after energy was removed was accelerated. That habitat succession is now measurable in much shorter time period, hundreds of years rather than thousands. It is helpful to review some case histories as estuarine habitat quality does directly impact the capacity of these habitats to act as nursery areas for many species important to recreational and commercial fisheries. What Winter flounder fishers correctly observed (1980s) in high heat and few storms habitats succeeded very quickly sometimes in just a few decades. Their observations have been confirmed region wide and across the United States.

Holly Pond – Stamford/Darien – Tidal Dam Blocks Energy Pathway

When I first visited Holly Pond in 1979, I was amazed at the buildup of black mayonnaise the soupy like organic material (Sapropel) north of the tidal impoundment built in 1791. This structure had most definitely removed an energy pathway- tides, currents and storms. The pond might I calculated then have a habitat history of storm and previous habitat types buried under tons of organic waste- leaves, sticks and dead grasses carried downstream and deposited into a now much energy deprived system very similar to habitat succession in lakes and ponds. That was my first experience with thick organic matter buildups in Clinton Harbor in 1978 behind a barrier beach inlet called the Dardanelles. Here behind a closed barrier spit inlet I found layers of eelgrass over a very old dense set (now suffocated) soft shell clam bed. When energy is blocked, the initial habitat changes are quite quick and then later stabilize into a slower rate which should leave a historic habitat or change marker, in cores. In lakes such layers (markers) are called “varves.” In my later visit to Holly Pond as part of a 1985 study I was unable to determine much of the bottom topography of Holly Pond. In 1986 interest was then again directed to eastern Connecticut as similar “black mayonnaise” events were being reported by eastern Connecticut Winter flounder fishers often with “bad smells” from coves at night. The condition of Holly Pond’s lack of energy (flushing) and organic buildup (leaves) was exactly on target as described in 1985 Holly Pond report and on page 17 of the report is found this section.

“In the fall when the leaf litter enters the water it is layered down with little breakdown due to the cold temperatures. In the spring and summer, light levels and nutrient loading support good growth of the aforementioned seaweeds. At night when the plants respire, the large mass of seaweeds consumes the dissolved oxygen (D.O.), severely depressing the D.O. levels in the water and the underlying decaying leaf litter and sediment. Excessive growth causes die-offs, whereby, the plant material sinks to the bottom. This appears to be a "capping off" of the underlying layers, thereby forming anaerobic conditions. The anaerobic decomposition leads to large accumulations of reduced sulfide, (organic jelly) especially in the warm summer months. This oxygen deficit (material) will suffocate shellfish and finfish and leads to low environmental habitat and water quality. In addition (in hot weather), hydrogen sulfide may be released resulting in an offensive "rotten egg" odor. A casual observation between a study completed in May, 1981 and in December of 1984, indicated an extremely large surface area being covered by a species of Ulva (sea lettuce) in this region. These observations suggest that the eutrophic conditions of Holly Pond may be becoming more severe.”

My comments in the report refer to blue crab populations on page 25 and page 27. The Holly Pond report continues to record a habitat succession process, and my section (1985) reads as follows:

“The importance of estuarine environments, such as Holly Pond, to finfish and shellfish species is well documented in the scientific literature. Coastal salt ponds and embayments provide critical habitats for estuarine-dependent species, especially those that require spawning and juvenile development. Connecticut estuaries provide nursery areas for commercially and recreationally important species, such as Winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, blue shell crabs, Callinectes sapidus, soft shell clams, Mya arenaria, American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, and many other continues.”

Connecticut has lost the usefulness and value of many estuaries, salt ponds and embayments, both as a result of destruction by filling activities and degradation by accelerated eutrophication. But about what climate patterns – such as the much recognized NAO. It is not surprising that recorded landings for the above species have fallen sharply in Connecticut and are today but a fraction of earlier catches (Blake, et al, 1984). Degraded intertidal and tidal flats have reduced shellfish setting opportunities in many coastal towns. Reduced oyster setting has been shown to be a result of organic debris accumulating on these tidal areas containing oyster beds {Visel, The Oyster River, Old Saybrook Study 1984 ICSR conference paper 2006}. Other researchers were recording similar high heat enriched organic environments.

1) Lee (1980), in a report on Rhode Island salt ponds, states: After oxygen levels are depleted, toxic hydrogen sulfide is often produced, causing the rotten egg smell that lurks over mud flats and back coves. The increased algal growth may be making the pond environment less hospitable as a nursery and spawning area for a variety of fish and shellfish.

2) Johnson (1984) reports on the impacts of Ulva lactuca, or sea lettuce, in Mumford Cove in Groton, Connecticut. Ulva lactuca is also present in Holly Pond. Below is a summary of her findings: Many decades ago,
“Ulva lactuca produces a water soluble toxin which causes 100% mortality of crab larvae after 12 to 21 days. No crabs survived the molt into megalopa. Mortality in the controls was 5 - 32% after the megalopa molt. When water in which the Ulva was grown was purged to low oxygen tensions, 0.4 ppm, there was 100% mortality of the crab larvae in 13 - 40 minutes. Caging experiments in and out of Ulva lactuca beds in Mumford Cove found there was significantly higher mortality of crab larvae in the seaweed beds (70%) than the control sites (5%) after 24 hours. Chemical analysis of the toxin shows it to be hydrophilic, soluble non-labile and probably low molecular weight. Thus, the growth of this nuisance alga in eutrophied estuaries is having a large impact on the chemistry and community structure of these systems.”

Much later, Dr. Peter Patton’s research of Holly Pond Cores of 8/26/93 to 8/31/01 (see DEP CWF- 310-R – Long Island Sound Research Fund) and on page 26 in a discussion of Holly Pond cores is found the section confirming the presence of these habitat histories as first suggested in the 1985, Holly Pond Report.

Winter flounder Fishers Report Habitat Changes -

East Lyme Pattaganset River – A Habitat History of Reduced Tidal Energy – Railroad Causeway 1987-1989.

One of the areas that fishers reported was the upper Pattaganset River in East Lyme several fishers reported that oyster beds once productive for flounder were now buried.
In eastern Connecticut, The Pattaganset River once had an opening to Long Island Sound and marsh system in excess of 1,000 meters (1890-1891). During the double track project (1915) the New Haven Railroad filled in an existing trestle bridge replacing it with on earthen causeway to a single angled opening width of only 15 meters. Underwater observations of the lower Pattaganset River near the railroad causeway revealed the location of a historic oyster bed buried under one meter of organic sediment (Peter J. Auster, Robert E. DeGoursey, Timothy C. Visel, NSA abstracts pg. 459 5 April 1990). On 16 August 1988, a University of Connecticut dive team recorded these observations as transit #3 approximately 50 meters north of the Amtrak Bridge (As written by Robert E. DeGoursey) crossing the Pattagansett River Estuary.

Robert E. DeGoursey, UCONN Dive Team Leader

Diver/ Video Survey of the Upper Pattagansett River Estuary, East Lyme, Connecticut

16 August 1988 UCONN Marine Sciences Initiative

Transect 3- 50 meters north of the Amtrak bridge

Area Surveyed: Approximately 25 meters in the center of the river proceeding west to east. Depth: 1 meter

Sediment type: “All sediments observed were very fine grained, soft, unconsolidated and easily re-suspended. Divers could easily penetrate the bottom by hand to 1 meter with little resistance. No hard substrates were located. The surficial layer of sediment was oxygenated to approximately 1 cm. Characteristic H2S odor was produced when sediments below the redox layer were disturbed.”

A further second examination with the use of a hydraulic gasoline water jet pump revealed a buried oyster bed at 2 meters depth. The relic oyster shells were brought to the surface with glass shards, coal cinders and clinker chunks (thought to be remnants of steam trains coal refuse), an old bottle and the leather remains of an old shoe. Closer to the Amtrak causeway water high pressure fluidization did not allow divers reaching down far enough to pick up oyster shells. The UCONN dive team (Peter Auster, Bob DeGoursey) estimated that the high pressure water jets had removed about 1 meter from the surface, the pipe held into the hole had allowed divers to pressure fluidize about another meter with additional lead weights had penetrated another meter and the arm thrusts that had perhaps added about another meter. Any shell debris or relic oyster habitats had to be at least 3 meters and deep or more. Efforts to further examine this habitat history were suspended by high amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas being suspended in the immediate area (T. Visel personal observation). This organic substance had most likely putrefied in high heat and then formed a layer of Sapropel.

While the Patton’s studies CWF 266-R and CWF 310-R were focused upon recent sedimentation rates, some of its largest contributions may be the core samples collected during both studies. Once was surmised in the Pattagansett system in East Lyme was apparently correct, in coastal coves below organic debris could be found often a distinct layer or layers of estuarine shell. Some of the Patton’s cores detailed in report CWF-266-R and CWF 310-R detailed multiple layers of mud and shell dating back to the first completed core surveys in 1992. This area of research was proposed to the Long Island Sound Study (Why We Should Examine Core Studies of Niantic Bay and Clinton Harbor) again in 2008, 2009 and again 2010. Niantic Bay’s barrier bar and Clinton Harbor’s barrier inlet (Dardanelles) was detailed in a report on July 21, 2010 to the Habitat Restoration Long Island Sound Study work group. Below is a recent update to the geological concept of coastal energy impacts as a habitat history in coastal marshes.

In 2010 Katherine V. Boldt et al published significant storm habitat marker research (Marine Geology 275, 2010, 127-139). In this article authors describe a record of hurricane (storm) impacts presented by a record of over wash deposits preserved in a back barrier salt marsh from Southern New England. In particular this research highlights specific core markers for the 1815,1938, and 1954 hurricane (energy) events.
“When a severe storm or hurricane makes landfall, the associated storm surge and waves will often overrun sandy barriers, transporting and depositing allochthonous {from distant source} sediment atop in situ organic-rich silt or marsh peat. This over wash layer is later covered again by fine ground organic material and strategically preserved as geologic evidence of the event.” (Bolt et al 2010 introduction).*

The method used to collect this core evidence of energy (storm) surges in salt marshes was a series of eight Vibra cores – very similar to the 1990s Patton studies core studies. The recorded core evidence could be used to identify core shell layers as well.

Clinton Harbor – Clinton and Madison – Energy Gains and Losses Recorded in Coves by Barrier Spit Openings – The Dardanelle Habitat History

The lower Hammonasset River had a popular Winter flounder recreational fishing area, fishers reported that the harbor was filled in becoming soft. A production Winter flounder area just north of Cedar Island was soft and absent flounder (several sources) Winter flounder fishers may recall this was a popular fishing location.
Clinton Harbor contained a barrier spit locally known as the Dardanelles. Clinton Harbor should be a case study of habitat clocks for several species. A local barrier spit would occasionally break (known as the Dardanelles) reversing habitat clocks for bay scallops, soft shell clams and to some extent oysters and Winter flounder. Several openings and restoration of coastal energy pathways led to increased fish and shellfish production. After closing each time (1891-1892; 1914,1949) by intervention, a breakwater, dredged fill and boulders, the 1949 closing helped by junk automobiles strung on cables the harbor system became more silty and mucky burying clam beds and promoting the growth of eelgrass and other vegetation in these shallow areas. It also impacted the oyster beds upstream as leaves now accumulated at a rapid rate (George McNeil personal communication 1980s). After each closure fishermen noticed the changes and complained in one instance to the Clinton Board of Selectman in 1919. Navigation interests complained each time it was open as the increase in energy (waves) made boating dangerous and wharfs more hazardous. Fishermen complained each time it was closed as habitat changes became pronounced from the lack of energy (waves) leaf rot builds up and as eastern CT Winter flounder fishers had predicted these energy deprived coves became a window to view what was soon to face larger systems such as Clinton Harbor or even Long Island Sound itself. By 1995 Winter flounder fin rot was observed in Clinton Harbor and in samples brought to the University of Connecticut Sea Grant program.

Just as lobster pound operators of the 1960s had recorded lobster shell disease which as the hot and relatively storm free period continued to stress oxygen break down of organic wastes. Sapropel build up (black mayonnaise) in them would support increased sulfur reducing bacteria become in some cases soon become the dominant habitat type. This was happening in the lower Hammonasset River 1985-88 and termed “black mayonnaise.”

In the late 1970s fishers rang the first alarm bells about the dangers of high heat Sapropel (organic sludge) and the first incidents of Winter flounder fin rot lobster and shell disease came from offshore fishers fishing near the New York 105 mile dump site, (see 1981 Congressional Hearing transcripts). Connecticut’s coastal coves were small representative examples of what was to be soon a regional system wide foretelling the collapse of the Southern New England Lobster Fishery and for many larger bays and then soon after the rise of Sapropel, the collapse of the Winter flounder fishery as well.

What Happened to Habitat Quality for Winter flounder and Lobsters?

The first warning sings of habitat quality failures came from New York City
organic sludge dumped at the 105 mile dump site. The climate pattern was changing a weakened Icelantic low now entered a positive or warm phase, energy levels lessened. In warming waters this organic sludge then became Sapropelic – sulfur rich and lowering pH. Rhode Island offshore lobster fishers were some of the first that reported shell disease in lobsters caught there. This is a natural process in high heat, climate and energy cycles as recorded in coastal coves. The high heat favors bacteria growth and in lower oxygen sulfate reducing bacteria now lowers the pH1 Lobsters and Winter flounder in this acidic bacterial rich environments suffers diseases and the first samples obtained between 1972-1975 just at the beginning of our latest warming cycle were from Winter flounder and lobster fishers.

In Long Island Sound (having lobstered from 1966 to 1980 in Connecticut) I had never seen shell disease off Madison but lobstering with my son Willard in 2009 shell disease was on about half of the lobsters caught off Madison, I just didn’t see Winter flounder fin rot or shell disease until it got hot, 1982 and then Sapropel built up first in the shallow coves and incidence of fin rot in Winter flounder in these areas then increased. What lobster fishers first reported off the 105 mile New York Dumpsite (mostly human sewage sludge) shell disease in lobsters became common especially with the Sapropel build up in Long Island Sound. From an occasional lobster with shell disease it soon became a pandemic spreading north (with the heat) well into Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.

Sapropel under oxygen limited situations – no mixing (energy) has sulfur bacteria levels increase as they try to decompose “excess” organic matter. A related toxic event also occurs as hydrogen sulfide levels increase. Sapropel in this case has a distinct odor of sulfur often called “rotten eggs” and sulfur levels can become quite high. Warm water Sapropel deposits can be a source of hundreds of bacterial strains. Winter flounder were driven from prime nursery areas as Sapropel accumulated over bottoms that previously often contained bivalve shells. Those that remained in contact with them showed higher incidences of “fin rot,” and warm water high bacteria counts appear to be connected to Sapropel deposits. Even eelgrass which in many cases slowed currents and trapped organic matter (and assists Sapropel formation) is itself eliminated to excessive sulfur compounds. The roots themselves undergo atrophy releasing the plant which now drifts in search of more suitable marine soils.

The basic question in regards to learning about a habitat history for Winter flounder is has this happened before, can we learn that periods of warming that brings disease to finfish and shellfish? What do these habitat histories look like and how do they impact habitat quality? That is why the examination of coastal cores may provide evidence of this past “events.” When a severe storm or hurricane makes landfall, the associated storm surge and waves will often overrun sandy barriers, transporting and depositing (allochthonous) sediment {distant source material} atop in situ organic-rich silt or marsh peat. This overwash layer is later covered again by an autochthonous (nearby source material) finegrained organic material, and stratigraphically preserved as geologic evidence of the event (from K.V. Bolt et al 2010).

Cores of coastal coves region wide may also have a habitat history preserved in layers, also detailing storm events (hurricanes) and bivalve abundance as shell size and types.
An examination of Clinton Harbor and Niantic Bay cores may show similar historic storm events as suggested to the Long Island Sound Study in 2010 and 2011. If the 2010 Boldt et al study was able to identify highly specific hurricane events in New England marshes, the abundance and type of bivalve shellfish in salt pond cores may have a correlation with the knowledge that a similar habitat history exists for salt marshes. In other words the same may be true in energy deprived eastern Connecticut coastal coves. Two of the bays that may have the most complete habitat history from New York core samples of past habitat succession are Great South Bay and Moriches Bay – they each have recorded examples of tidal inlet changes, and changes in species abundance. (Army Corps of Engineers Baymen Interviews 2000).

Impacts of Organic Sludge to Marine Environments – Did leaves create a habitat failure?

In Congressional testimony during a May 1981 hearing before subcommittees of the House Merchant Marine Fisheries Committee an ocean dumping Congress learned of double impact of organic sludge. It regards the negative effect of organic deposits to benthic organisms.

“The negative impacts from indiscriminate sludge release in near shore coastal waters include the accumulations of excessive concentrations of in organic and organic nutrients (which diminish the quality of the local biochemical tension) and unfavorable species diversity. In extreme cases, anoxic conditions develop, resulting in odiferous and toxic hydrogen sulfide evolutions. Such conditions usually signify extensive damage to the benthic biota.”

Ralph Fuaccaro Senior
Scientist Biology Dept, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Judith Capuzzo Associate Scientist*
N. Marcus, Assistant Scientist*
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

In other words organic deposits man made or natural can reduce available oxygen and increase toxic hydrogen sulfide levels to that which becomes toxic events. Simply these deposits can kill fish and shellfish. This is an important part of the huge 1898 Narragansett Bay black water fish kill S. Nixon Account of the An Extraordinary Red Tide and Fish Kill Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Volume 35, 1988).

Here Dr. Nixon found a series of factors that contributed to this huge event including organic matter mostly sewage sludge. A sudden rainstorm may have swept enormous quantities of organic matter, both leaves and sewage sludge which then putrefied in hot temperatures. It is a fascinating account as it mirrors almost precisely the 2003 Narragansett Bay Fish Kill. Post 1972 the North Atlantic Oscillation became positive and the 1960s as energy levels declined (hurricane frequency decline) estuarine bottoms once firm and shelly became soft and muck filled. Those areas with tidal restrictions (such as road and railroad causeways) already had diminished energy flushing changed first. In brooks with trout and in lower reach tidal streams the increase in leaf sulfide in runoff constitutes a sulfide “block” killing trout eggs and preventing returning alewife from ascending into spawning habitats. This was known a century ago. In other words with leaf filled streams in high heat could generate significant sulfide levels in spring as snow melt washed decaying leaves from summer heat downstream. This is termed a sulfide block or “chemical barrier” to anadromous fish.

A similar feature was reported by eastern CT flounder fishers – the areas up river from tidal restrictions changed first and now research has confirmed those observations. In a 1987 study found that barriers to fish migration included chemical ones and efforts that could alter tidal fluctuations would result in “significant impairment of the habitat” and included railroad causeways.

In a more recent combined study which included the US Army Corps of Engineers New England District 696 Virginia Avenue, Concord MA (2006) found many of the same concerns expressed by Winter flounder fishers in eastern Connecticut, that railroad causeways degraded fish and shellfish habitats (Northeastern Naturalist 13- pages 31-46 2006).

The abstract contains this introduction (Mount Hope Bay Study – Massachusetts).

“For nearly a decade, Massachusetts resource managers have been systematically inventory assessing and restoring coastal wetlands degraded by infrastructure crossing such as bridges and culverts, which, unless properly designed and constructed, restrict tidal flow to upstream areas. These crossings known as tidal restrictions alter the natural flooding and flushing dynamics of coastal estuarine and wetland causing damage to … “important shellfish and finfish habitats.”

Sapropel, Winter flounder and Quahogs – Good Habitat Quality until High Heat

One of the most notorious black water deaths ever recorded during The Great Heat period 1880-1920 occurred in Moriches Bay, Long Island in 1917 (July 29 to August 4). After decades of few storms, the inlets to salt ponds and bays “healed” or closed up reducing tidal exchange and increasing nutrient levels (residence times) by restricted flushing including Moriches Bay. Some reports do mention changes in bottom types most often Sapropel/eelgrass meadows. These are usually found in research and literature associated with the oyster industry. In July to the first week of August 1917, air temperatures reached close to 90° for the six days. Winter flounder trapped in the Moriches Bay died by the thousands and waters turned black (see US Army Corp Report – 2000 Baymen Interviews). John Hammond of Cape Cod (1982) mentioned this event to me with a general time period (he thought the 1910s) as the smell he learned from others drove people from their homes. Apparently the oysters had also died and contributed to black waters now thought to have contained toxic amounts of sulfur compounds. A look at some of the local newspapers then would certainly have mentioned this event. It is possible that some newspapers remain from the period, people being driven from homes by suspected sulfide gas would have been certainly then “newsworthy.” This habitat history therefore is perhaps “recoverable” in the Moriches Bay region pending future historical research studies. Eastern Long Island communities such as those in Connecticut should move quickly to investigate this habitat history and other local histories. Coastal coves and bays are some of the most productive shellfish and finfish areas. As temperature rose and “cold water” species declined at the turn of the century blue crab populations continued to increase, so did Sapropel. Sapropel build up appears to proceed the last two sudden increases in blue crab populations a “warm water” species. But the buildup is good up to a point – high heat and then a sudden storm or storms can turn deadly. Sapropel concentrates sulfides in high heat and in winter these sulfides can turn deadly. It sheds huge amount of ammonia – part of the sulfur cycle and fuels Harmful Algal Blooms (HABS).

This 1917 event no doubt left a layer of Sapropel, but when circulation was reopened it could have been washed away by hurricanes years later. Other bays appear to have similar habitat histories. Clyde MacKenzie a shellfish biologist with NOAA (Technical Vol. 64, #2, 2002) reviews the habitat history for the Great South Bay and on page 8; he mentions the impacts of water exchanges (coastal energy pathways) in his famous bulletin Quahogs in Eastern North America Part 1, “Great South Bay once had large stocks of quahogs, McHugh (1991) reported the opening of an inlet between the Atlantic Ocean and Moriches Bay (which connects with Great South Bay) on Long Island, N.Y., made by a hurricane in 1931, led to a large increase in salinity in Great South Bay. The higher salinity allowed oyster drills to increase in abundance and activity, and they substantially reduced the numbers of remaining oyster (MSX might have also been responsible (Usinger), but dense quahog sets occurred throughout the bay and a substantial quahog fishery then developed. Moriches Inlet eventually closed, but a hurricane in 1953 reopened it. By 1957 it began to close again. In 1958 it was widened and deepened by dredging and subsequently protected by a seawall. Jeffrey Kassner (1989) believes this 1958 opening may have set the environmental stage for the boom in quahog production in Great South Bay in the 1960’s and 1970’s.” The Bay also was a popular Winter flounder fishing region and flounder fishing by small trawls.

1931 is also the year that marks the decline of eelgrass and blue crabs in southern New England, it also marks the beginning of a negative North Atlantic Oscillation and a period much of cooler water temperatures. With firmer bay bottoms now containing Quahogs became better for Winter flounder.

What does it all mean –

What these studies show is that over time habitats have changed, naturally from temperature and energy level changes. In areas in which tidal flushing was reduced either from natural or manmade restrictions habitats in them “reversed” faster. Those changes are preserved in coastal core studies of cove bottoms and now it seems in adjacent coastal salt marshes. Does this mean this current habitat reversal, or lobsters to blue crabs is new or unique, no it does not, in fact it points to a view quite the opposite that blue crabs have became prevalent here before, during hot and relatively quiet periods and habitat reversals have happened perhaps many times before. These habitat reversals have left us a “habitat history,” of colder more energy filled periods and then periods of warmth and little energy. That appears as organic matter layers between those of estuarine shell. What it became hot bay bottoms collected organic matter the cause of a habitat failure then a fishery failure.

The recent die off of lobsters and the return of the blue crab appears also to be cyclic and very similar to the 1898 lobster die off here (Southern New England) a century ago. As winters became colder and storms increased, lobsters returned and blue crab populations dropped. Sapropel levels and soft organic deposits declined.

Core studies therefore offer as a valuable look into the past – Connecticut’s habitat history critical to today’s habitat protection and habitat restoration public policy discussions.

Current research supports coastal energy impacts habitat quality and has been preserved in Connecticut’s coastal coves and they do have a “habitat history.” These cores should now be reexamined in light of the Bolt et al study.

A Personal Note – About Eastern CT Winter flounder Fishers concerns Regarding the Railroad Causeways.

In addition as a good faith effort to eastern Connecticut flounder fishers in the 1980s and an attempt to correct a long term policy oversight (mistake) I feel a letter of correction/retraction and should be sent to eastern Connecticut Municipal Shellfish, and Harbor Commissions, Old Lyme to Stonington. Coastal Conservations Commission and Coastal Land Trusts should also be included acknowledging the long term habitat changes have occurred from the construction of railroad causeways (Sapropel/heat accumulations) and that the habitat changes was discovered by fisher observations but not correctly represented. The redirection of the concern of fishers (fisheries habitat) was it seems now an attempt to minimize the extent of the problem (June 27, 1994). Secondly the Coastal Cove and Embayment Board disbanded as a result over the controversy created by the Section 22 Planning Assistance to States Program Coastal America Report in 1994 should be (in my view) reestablished. The Department of Environmental Protection had agreed as part of the discussions in compromise Coastal Zone Management language 1978-1980 to create such a Citizens Board to represent a broad view of marine user groups as part of its commitment to Connecticut’s Coastal Zone Management Act. The sudden dismissal of the Coastal Cove and Embayment Board newspaper reference here over disagreements about fish and shellfish habitat succession (habitat histories) needs an impartial review. This was a great opportunity for the marine community to ask questions and learn about many issues of interest to the marine industries. I feel it provided a valuable platform for both useful educational and public policy discussions. When it came to Winter flounder habitat changes in eastern CT the fishers were correct.

Important note -

I would be remiss if I failed to mention the recent excellent cooperation the DEEP Office of Long Island Sound programs have provided me regarding this issue. Current staff understands the importance of restoring whenever possible currents and tidal flows. The present viewpoint and perception of tidal restrictions is in no way representative of those expressed in the middle 1980s. Current DEEP Office of Long Island Sound staff have been very helpful in detailing these policy changes to me.

My view Tim Visel –

Sources for Connecticut Core Samples:
Patton’s, P.C Rates of Sediment Accumulation in Coastal Coves on Fishers Island Sound. Long Island Sound Research Fund #CWF-310-R 2002 See core examinations.
Patton’s, P.C. Post-Glacial Stratigraphy and Coves of Sediment Accumulations in Three Small Connecticut Coves. Long Island Sound Research Fund #CWF 266-R 1994 See core examinations.

Salt Marsh Cove Study – See
Calibrating a sedimentary record of overwash from Southeastern New England using modeled historic hurricane surges
Katherine V. Bolt, Philip Lane, Jonathan D. Woodruff, Jeffrey P. Donnelly
Marine Geology 275, 2010 pages 127-139.

Tidal restrictions in upper Narragansett Bay – See
The Mount Hope Bay Tidal Restrictions Atlas Identifying Man-made structures which potentially degrade coastal habitats in Mount Hope Bay, Massachusetts Stephen B. Barrett, Brian C. Graves and Barbara Blumeris Pg 31-46. 2006

Anyone interested in a short review of the Climate Pattern (NAO) North Atlantic Oscillation that directly affects habitat and therefore Connecticut’s shell and fin fisheries see The Search for Megalops-The rise of Blue Crabs Special Report #1, January 2014, available from Sue Weber at susan.weber@new-haven.k12.ct.us or can be obtained or accessed on the Adult Education and Outreach directory by accessing the Sound School website: www.soundschool.com/publications%201.html.

Anyone interested in this paper with included footnotes, please email: susan.weber@nhboe.net and request an emailed copy.
For information about The Sound School website, publications, and / or alumni contacts, please contact Taylor Samuels at taylor.samuels@new-haven.k12.ct.us

The Sound School is a Regional High School Agriculture Science and Technology Center enrolling students from 23 participating Connecticut communities.

Program reports are available upon request. For more information about New Haven Environmental Monitoring Initiative for IMEP reports, please contact Susan Weber, The Sound School Adult Education and Outreach Program Coordinator, at susan.weber@nhboe.net
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